As of November 2019 there are two towers in use: Tower #1, a TX-472 crank-up tower and Tower #2, a guyed, 86 foot Rohn 45 tower. The first images below are related to Tower #1. As seen below, all cables are run through conduit for protection from various adversities. The base of the tower is 5′ x 5′ and almost 8′ in depth.
The original tower configuration had a C31XR at 74 feet and 8 feet above that, a Cushcraft XM-240 for 40m. As reported by others, there was interaction between the antennas, the largest being between 40m and 15m (understandably). In the summer of 2019 a project to install a second tower, an 86 foot guyed tower, was begun. This addition was completed in November 2019.
Once completed in the fall of 2019, the 86 foot Rohn 45 became home for the XM-240, leaving the C31XR alone on the TX-472. Both antennas are immensely “happier” as is their owner. Not only is the interaction absent, the added azimuth agility is very important as well.

KØZR installed the first 56 feet of tower single handedly, with the remaining 30 feet assisted by W4RN. Each section was hauled up the tower with a pulley system connected to a John Deere riding lawn mower. Although the height and wind loading required only two sets of guys per the Rohn manufacturer, three are in use.
Below are the two Georgia buggies that were rented to move the concrete to each of the four holes. Seven cubic yards were moved inside of one hour; cheaper with two buggies than paying the concrete deliverer to stay around longer.

The completed 86 foot Rohn 45 tower is here with the Cushcraft XM-240 mounted at 90 feet.
Subsequent to this installation in early November 2020, three more yagis were added. Refer to the “Antennas” page for further details.